Stafford Lions Club

Fidelco Dog Training

Two employees of Fidelco Dog Training paid us a visit for our first meeting of the year. We had an amazing time learning about dog training for the visually impaired and interacting with two of their latest furry students.

Safe Net

The Stafford Lions Club participated in the Stafford Safe Net program to help deliver Thanksgiving meals to families in need.

Stafford Winterfest

Come see us in the Stafford Winterfest Parade. December 14, 2024 from 3:00-7:00. The parade starts up at 5:00.

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Stafford Trick or Treat 2024

Come see us in downtown Stafford on October 26th for the annual Trick or Treat on Main. The event runs from 4:00pm till 6:00pm.

But get there early! The streets close down at 2:00 for setup.

The rain date is the next day, October 27th, at the same time.

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Peace Poster Contest 2024

The Stafford Lions Club Peace Poster Contest is upon us! The deadline to drop off completed posters at the Stafford Library is November 1, 2024, before 5:00pm.

Children who will be 11, 12, or 13 on November 15, 2024 are eligible to enter.

The theme this year is “Peace Without Limits”. Posters must be no smaller than 11” x 20” and no larger than 20” x 24”. Only one entry per child. All artwork must be the individual student’s original creation. Duplications are not accepted. All media are accepted, although chalk, charcoal, pastels, and similar must be sealed with a fixative spray to prevent smearing. Do not laminate entries.

The winner of our district’s contest will be entered into the Lions Club International Poster Contest, with the potential to win the grand prize of $5,000.

As an additional treat, the Stafford Lions Club is partnering with the Stafford Library and their OASIS program. Join us on October 29, 2024 at 6:00pm at the Stafford Library for a night of creativity and crafting to work on your Peace Posters. Children of all ages are welcome to participate in the poster creation during the OASIS event, but only children ages 11, 12, and 13 can enter their posters into the Peace Poster Contest.

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Stafford Applefest 2024

The Stafford Lions Club will have a booth at the Stafford Applefest, on September 28, 2024. Come see us at the Haymarket Common and celebrate the beginning of Fall!

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Stafford Applefest

Ambassador of Sight Award

Special congradulations to Lion Paul Wentworth, newest recipient for the Lions Ambassador of Sight Award.

The Ambassador of Sight is the Lions Low Vision Center Board commendation for outstanding service to the Lions Club and those they serve. This award recognizes the attributes of generosity, compassion, and concern for others.

Thanks for all your service, Paul!!

Ambassador of Sight Award

Old Home Day Cornhole Tournament Results

Congrats to the winners of the 2024 American Legion Cornhole Tournament, Caleb and Stan Calabrese.

And a huge thanks to everyone who participated!! We look forward to seeing you next year!!

Cornhole Winners
Cornhole Tournament
Cornhole Tournament
Cornhole Tournament

Final Meeting

As the Stafford Lions wrap up our regular meetings for the summer, we welcome the members who have joined us during the year and celebrate swearing in our new cabinet. Thanks to all our members for your unyielding support for our club and we look forward to another great year!

1st American Legion Cornhole Tournament

Save the date!! Saturday, July 20, 2024 will be the Stafford Lions’ other Annual Cornhole Tournament.

At the American Legion Post 26. 10 Monson Rd. in Stafford, CT.

Registration and practice begin at 1:00pm, with the tournament beginning at 2:00pm. Registration is $25 per-person.

The tournament will be a single elimination. Blind draw for initial match followed by point standing. Entry fees will be split 50/50 between the Lions and the winning teams.

  • First place will get 60% of the pot and a trophy
  • Second place will get 30% of the pot and a trophy
  • Third place will get 10% of the pot and a trophy

Bring a partner or enter by yourself, and we will team you up!

Contact Paul Wentworth at with any questions or to talk about pre-registration.

Click here to view our promotional flyer

3rd Stafford Summerfest Cornhole Tournament

Come see us at Stafford Summerfest for our 3rd Annual Cornhole Tournament on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at the Stafford School Complex, 145 Orcuttville Rd.

Registration is $25 per person. Registration and practice begin at 5:00pm with the tournament beginning at 6:00pm.

The tournament will be a single elimination. Blind draw for initial match followed by point standing. Entry fees will be split 50/50 between the Lions and the winning teams.

  • First place will get 60% of the pot and a trophy
  • Second place will get 30% of the pot and a trophy
  • Third place will get 10% of the pot and a trophy

Bring a partner or enter by yourself, and we will team you up!

Contact Paul Wentworth at with any questions or to talk about pre-registration.

3rd Annual Stafford Child Safety Day

Don’t miss the fun and educational activities children and their families can enjoy at the upcoming “3rd Annual Stafford Child Safety Day” being organized by West Stafford School. This free (rain or shine) event will be held on Saturday, May 18th from 2:00-4:00pm at Stafford High School located at 145 Orcuttville Road in Stafford Springs, CT.

Stafford Child Safety Day will offer three dozen groups featuring interactive vehicle displays including police cruisers, fire trucks, an ambulance, a high-tech satellite truck, several military vehicles, an environmental display, an aerial drone demonstration, and an ice cream truck. In addition, check out the CT State Police’s “Trooper Two” helicopter (weather permitting)!

Children and their families will also experience many safety and wellness groups featuring information on railroad safety, injury prevention, poison control, healthy relationships, impaired driving awareness, mental health resources, early childhood education, vision screenings (By the Stafford Lions Club), aerial drone awareness, community resources and free Child ID Kits.

In addition, join us to celebrate the retirement of Stafford Police Department’s K-9 Loki. Children are invited to make a card for Loki and thank him for his years of service to our community.

In fair weather, the event will be held on the field in front of the high school’s entrance. In poor weather, the event will be moved indoors to the back entrance utilizing the high school’s cafeteria and adjacent hallways. Parking will be available at Stafford High School, Stafford Elementary School and Stafford Middle School. A free shuttle bus will be provided for those who park at Stafford Elementary School and Stafford Middle School. No parking will be allowed along Orcuttville Road, Levinthal Run, County Road or in the Stafford Public Library’s parking lot.

If you have any questions, please contact Janice Morton at West Stafford School by calling 860-684-3181 (Ext. 50009) or by emailing

New Member Donna
New Member Donna

Coffee Stop

Are you traveling through Willington and in need of a break? Come see the Lions at the highway coffee stop!!

Right around exit 70 on I-84 on April 26 and 27 between 7:30am and 4:00pm.

Big Y Bag Program

Big Y Bag Program

It’s almost time for Stafford Lions Club to start benefiting from the Big Y Community Bag Program! Let everyone know to buy a reusable Community Bag starting April 1st at:

87 West Stafford Road Rte 190
Stafford Springs CT

Not sure where to begin? Make sure your staff, volunteers and supporters know that for every $2.50 reusable Community Bag purchased throughout April 2024 at your selected location, Stafford Lions Club will receive $1. This is a great way to broaden awareness and help our cause. More than $420,000 has been donated to almost 1,900 nonprofit organizations since the program launched in January 2019.

New Member

The Stafford Lions Club welcomes Carol MacDonald, our newest member.

New Member Carol New Member Carol

New Member

The Stafford Lions Club welcomes Donna Landauer, our newest member.

New Member Donna

Father-Daughter Dance

It’s time for the 26th Annual Father–Daughter Valentine’s Day Dance
When: Saturday, February 17th, 2024 6:00-7:30 pm
Where: Stafford High School

Father-Daughter Dance

$15.00 per couple add $5.00 each additional girl. Fee includes one free digital photograph.

Girls in kindergarten—5th grade are invited to bring their dad, grandfather, uncle, or a date!

Dress in your finest and celebrate Valentine’s Day!

  • Dance and raffle
  • Flowers for every girl
  • Refreshments will be served

Christmas Center Gift Extravaganza

On Tuesday, November 21, 2023 The Stafford Lions Club voted to give $500 to enable Christmas toys for 83 families with over 200 children through the Christmas Center Gift Extravaganza provided by Stafford Social Services and the Stafford Community Center.

And today we presented the check.

Christmas Center Gift Check Presentation

(Photo by Lion Roger Ingraham)

  • Kitty Schooley - Stafford Lions Club President
  • Jen Strong - Stafford Social Services
  • Grace Parrow - Director of the Stafford Community Center and Stafford Lion Secretary Bob Lucey.

Lions International Peace Poster Contest

The Stafford Lions Club is sponsoring a Lions International Peace Poster Contest at the Stafford Library this year!

The contest is open to students who will be 11, 12, or 13 years old as of November 15, 2023. The theme this year is “Dare to Dream”. The deadline to drop off entries at the Stafford Library is 5:00pm on November 7, 2023.

More Info

Trick or Treat on Main 2023

Stafford Trick or Treat on Main

The Stafford Lions Club will have a booth at this year’s Stafford Trick or Treat on Main. Come feed your sweet tooth in your spookiest costume and enjoy a nice cup of apple cider on us!

The event is Saturday, October 28, 2023 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Rain date is October 1, 2023.

Click here for more info

Fall Apple Festival 2023

This exciting event will be held in Haymarket Common, Hyde Park, and Main Street a beautiful location that provides the perfect setting for a day of apple-filled fun. The festival will showcase various vendors and activities, ensuring a delightful experience for visitors of all ages.

The Stafford Lions Club will be at the AppleFest enjoying the festivities and handing out donuts and hot dogs. Come down and see us in downtown Stafford on September 30, 2023 from 11:00am - 4:00pm at Stafford’s first ever Apple Festival!

Event Website

Stafford Farm Day 2023

The Stafford Lions Club will be selling our 2024 calendars at a booth at the Stafford Farm Day this year. Come down and experience a taste of the origins of Stafford as a farming town. Admission is free. The proceeds from the calendars we sell wil go towards various charities in the area.

Farm Day is September 10, 2023 from 9:30am - 4:30pm at John Julian Heritage Park in Stafford, CT.

EDIT: Due to the impending rain and the fact that we’re selling a paper product, the Lions club will not have a booth at Stafford Farm Day 2023.

Click here for more information

Moonlight Paddle 2023

Every year, the Stafford Lions host an unforgettable beautiful event on the Staffordville Lake. Come enjoy the moonlight on the lake (bring your own kayak or canoe). The gates open at 6:00pm with boat launch at 7:30. Enjoy free hot dogs and snacks or enter a raffle to win a kayak prize package when you’re done!

View Flyer

Summerfest Cornhole Tournament

We hope everyone had a great time at Stafford Summerfest 2023! And a big thank you to our cornhole tournament participants.


Lions Club 2024 Calendar

We need photos representing all seasons. Photos are due by August 1, 2023. Email your photo to

Photos must be landscape (that is wider than high). Photos must be a minimum of 3000x2250 pixels (usually at least 6.5 MB). We have rec’d photos in the past which while beautiful, could not be used because they were either in portrait mode or the resolution was not sufficient for printing approximately at 10x7 inches.

Child Safety Day

Child Safety Day Over

Thanks to everyone who came to see us at our booth at Child Safety Day!!

Child Safety Day

Child Safety Day

Child Safety Day

The Stafford Lions Club will be at Child Safety Day organized by the Stafford Public Schools. Many emergency services and local services will be there showcasing their vehicles and answering questions by the students. Everything from the police, the firefighters, the EMTs, animal control, and even the military.

The Stafford Lions Club will be providing medical eye screening to the students. Our Welch Spot Screener takes a picture of a person’s eyes and detects several vision issues the person may be afflicted with, such as astigmatism. We’ll then print out a report for the person to take to their doctor to follow up on potentially detected issues.


May 13, 2023
2:00pm - 4:00pm


Stafford High School
145 Orcuttville Rd
Stafford Springs, CT 06076

New Member

The Stafford Lions Club is proud to welcome Charlotte to our ranks. We look forward to serving with you!!

New Member